Inaugural Show

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Sophie Rogers

Plasticity Bundle - 01
Edition of 25
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Rogers has been researching theories around plasticity, particularly those explored  by Catherine Malabou. Malabou writes about ecological plasticity, which is  centered on how an organism relates to its surroundings. Sophie uses digital software including Cinema 4D to create simulations of imagined places and scenes often inspired by world-building practices found in sci-fi. Her work  for Electric Artefacts, The Plasticity Bundles combines CGI imagery of  imagined hybrid creatures with research into the “everlasting synthetic  intrusion on the natural marine ecology” as described by Susan Freinkel in her book Plastic: A Toxic Love Story.

Sophie Rogers
Sophie Rogers is based in London and has exhibited at the Stanley Picker Gallery, Barbican Centre, Tate Modern Switch House and participated in Masterclass 2017 hosted by the Zabludowicz Collection. Sophie has also undertaken commissions for Mansions of the Future, Boiler Room and Art Night London.
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Sophie Rogers
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other works by

Sophie Rogers

Sophie Rogers / Plasticity - 0102
Sophie Rogers
Plasticity - 0102
Edition of 50
Sophie Rogers / Plasticity Bundle - 02
Sophie Rogers
Plasticity Bundle - 02
Edition of 25

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