Inspiration for the project and drop came from the old Windows Bubbles screensaver and the desktop with an image of hugging golden snub-nosed monkeys, that I had as my desktop for the longest time till computer got destroyed by the virus.
Starting point of the piece were sketches, as when ever I start to something new I want to have a touching point how the subject bends and moves, as when you know what is possible you can bend and deform it past the limits. Sketches were followed by digital painting and mixing in textures. As the twist for the piece instead of creating horizontal piece I decided to make it vertical, due more people have phones instead of computers in the modern society.
Then started the fun part, the finished digital base of the work worked as platform to bend in the real bubbles. I used plastic tray to fill with soap water and then blowing bubbles on the surface to mimic the old screensaver, with added lights to create illumination all over the surface. I love to mix in familiar things from everyday life as a new techniques, to create something new and unexpected.
The pictures of the bubbles were then mixed together with digital painting to create seamless artwork between the two mediums.