Wednesday Kim
Xia Han
Keiken x Ryan Vautier
Léa Porré
Kumbirai Makumbe
Eda Sarman
Juan Covelli
Georgia Tucker
Chris Kore
Chrystal Ding
Mike Tyka
Giovanni Muzio
Moisés Horta Valenzuela
Pat Pataranutaporn
Isabella Salas × Nora Golic
Carrie Able
Sven Eberwein
Helena Sarin
Ana María Caballero
Sarah Ridgley
Elisabeth Sweet
Sara Ludy
Cem Hasimi × Play
Mario Klingemann
Mattia Cuttini
Stepan Ryabchenko
 Maya Man
Moises Sanabria
Ivona Tau
Iván Casís Jr.
Jake Elwes
Sarah Friend
Jenni Pasanen
Angela Eames
Grayson Cooke
June Redthread
Fabiola Larios
Julia Kobel
Sophie Rogers
Travis LeRoy Southworth
Camila Roriz (Cibymili)
Yehwan Song
Rachel Noble
Snow Yunxue Fu
David Lisser
Michael Pantuso
Nicole Ruggiero
Max Colson
Marick Roy
Helio Santos
Irene P Tello
Matthias Dörfelt
Sky Goodman

Inaugural Show

Angela Eames

Angela Eames is a drawer and lecturer. Her research is concerned with extending drawing practice in the development of new approaches to drawing in relation to technological developments. Angela Eames was longlisted for the Lumen Prize Still Image Award in 2019.

"Eames takes raw data from her ongoing drawings/photographs, the web and planetary science archives and processes it, creating new scapes. She builds, composites and optimises her images, to produce unfamiliar images or landscapes - images foreign to everyday human experience. Her work is best defined by its intense but delicate craftsmanship and by the transformation of commonplace image/object into works of art. Eames contradicts the generic and mass-produced with something essentially handmade, imbuing her images with an unanticipated sense of place; here and/or there, now and/or then, in front of and/or behind. Her work generates a dialogue between modernity and history, observation and fabrication, nature and urbanity and the relationship between process and idea." - Alejandro Ball

I am an artist/drawer whose practice has continuously involved the exploration of drawing in direct relation to technology, be that pixel or pencil. I produce both series and independent works and have exhibited continuously both nationally and abroad. Drawing for me, might be defined as what if? What if I could see differently? I am on the outside looking in, I can imagine the unseen but within the virtual environment I can see from the inside - out. I can move around, within a virtual space. The virtual camera becomes my eye. I can use the computer to do something, which it can do and I cannot, which I can propose and it can provide, which I cannot see - until I can…

In three dimensional computing space I enter a place that parallels my drawing studio. My response to objects and space is equivalent but different. Gravity is missing! Experience and knowledge derived from drawing in the material world inform my thinking and working activity. Decisions regarding what to do and what to do next are governed by my drawing experience. I visually think through drawing. I build fictional places or sites, wherein I am free to exploit the possibilities of making without the consequences of physical probability. Objects can and do collide, connect and coexist in this place disrupting normal spatial awareness as new versions of fictional reality emerge. I focus on membrane (as screen, substrate, mesh or object) - membrane as mediator between two viewing aspects; in front of and behind, revealed and hidden, seen and unseen, known and unknown.

My works explore the ambivalent nature of our experience of reality. They comment on time past in relation to time present anticipating time future. They reference natural form and order and our accountability as makers and manipulators within the world. They call for attention to the principles of balance reminding us that whilst we embrace new technologies, we should also be mindful of the balance of nature.

Fellow of the RSA

Recent Exhibitions:

Structured at Gallery 57, Arundel, UK, 2020, forthcoming
The London Group Annual, London, 2020, forthcoming.
Wish You/We Were Here/There - Lichtenstein, 2020, forthcoming.
In the Dark 2020 - Even Darker at The Cello Factory, London, January 2020

Unique Tour
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Angela Eames
is presented by
Lumen Art Projects